
The Healthful Advantages of Biophilic Design

biophilic design

If managing your stress levels at home has become difficult, but you aren't sure why, it's worth looking into the healthful advantages of biophilic design.

There are many ways to manage stress—meditation, yoga, better nutrition and exercise, to name a few, but don't overlook one big area where you can improve your life—your home.

The Healthful Advantages of Biophilic Design

Bringing more natural elements into your home will provide a more calming environment. Increasing your exposure to natural light, improving the indoor air quality, and connecting you with views of nature all contribute to a restorative experience.

Biophilic design connects our current “natural habitat”, which is largely human-built, with the truly natural world. This approach enables people to blend with nature on a variety of levels. You use your senses of sight, smell, touch and sound to connect with nature, rather than separate yourself. Hospitals and nursing homes employ biophilic design—bringing in plants, and incorporating courtyard gardens—to help patients heal faster. Workplaces that reflect biophilic design report increased productivity and fewer health-related employee absences.

According to the film, “Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life”, students in schools that incorporate biophilic design achieve higher test scores.

If you have doubts about the benefits of the natural connection, think about living or working in a windowless room, with plain walls, and fluorescent lights. Does that stimulate your thinking and motivate your productivity? Now, envision a sun-drenched room with a view of a scenic landscape. Imagine a container garden thriving indoors, in the natural light. Or, a hummingbird fluttering at a feeder outside your window.

Which vision sparks a calmer feeling in you?

A biophilic home provides a wealth of healthful benefits:

  • Increase your sense of well-being
  • Boost happiness and contentment
  • Reduce stress
  • Elevate your mood
  • Improve cognitive functions, like concentration, memory, and problem-solving

Epcon Communities

At Epcon Communities, we recognized the value of biophilic design years ago, when we launched the Courtyard Collection of new home designs. Every home features a private garden courtyard that is visible from most rooms. Your home wraps around this courtyard, becoming the centerpiece. Step outside to enjoy the fresh air, the fragrance of your garden, and the satisfying experience of surrounding yourself with nature.

Our new home designs also incorporate the generous use of large windows, giving you the benefit of ample light streaming into your open floor plan.

Does your home give you this vital connection with nature? If not, consider a move to an Epcon community, where biophilic design is a by-product of thoughtful home design. Browse our communities located throughout the country, and contact us to learn more.

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