
Salerno Bungalow

Single Family Home

From $485,990

bedrooms 0-3
bathrooms 0-3
bedsq.ft 2,272-2,432
Sq. Ft.
car garages 2
Car Garage

McKee Homes presents the three-bedroom, three-bath Salerno 2020 Bungalow cottage-style floorplan. The open-living layout with considerable living space, plenty of storage and covered rear porch connecting to a spacious patio makes this home ideal for entertaining or as a private retreat.

As you enter the home, you are greeted by an expansi...

Included Features
• Second floor guest suite with optional wet bar
• Mud room with shiplap and hooks
• Enormous walk-in closet between owner’s suite and laundry room
Optional Features
• Optional sitting room

Virtual Tours
